








Goethite xls on twisted Quartz (Gwindel-like)
Florissant, Teller county
Colorado, United States
13 x 7.5 x 4 CM (cabinet)
price: $200

Is this a Colorado Gwindel? A radiating ball of Goethite crystals sits on a single flattened Quartz crystal composed of several parallel growths that have a pronounced twist. The form is "Gwindel-like" but as the back side is less twisted I am not certain if this can be classified as one. I have asked some Quartz experts and they are divided mostly because the crystal tappers to a wedge like form and is thus not fully typical. Whatever it can be classified as, it is unusual and a Colorado classic locality piece. This was broken and repaired many years ago (it was in a collection by the 1930's) and it is visible on both sides (more so in the back). There is some chipping and damage to the Goethites, but it overall is in good condition.

Goethite xls on twisted Quartz (Gwindel-like)
Florissant, Teller county
Colorado, United States
13 x 7.5 x 4 CM (cabinet)
price: $200

Is this a Colorado Gwindel? A radiating ball of Goethite crystals sits on a single flattened Quartz crystal composed of several parallel growths that have a pronounced twist. The form is "Gwindel-like" but as the back side is less twisted I am not certain if this can be classified as one. I have asked some Quartz experts and they are divided mostly because the crystal tappers to a wedge like form and is thus not fully typical. Whatever it can be classified as, it is unusual and a Colorado classic locality piece. This was broken and repaired many years ago (it was in a collection by the 1930's) and it is visible on both sides (more so in the back). There is some chipping and damage to the Goethites, but it overall is in good condition.